August 31, 2009


九月到了,生日月 =)





August 30, 2009

few days din't update my blog .
because very lazy.
nowadays i feel that i addicted by sleep.
i can sleep all the time . xP

yesterday morning ivan morning call me 7am.
He driving come to fetch me go tc eat.
1stly still thought he just joking with me.
but he really reach my house that day
then we eat at hoiyin .but we meet two police.=(
wtf. so badluck. because that, we go beach walk walk .
afterthat only drive back.
then we "long gai" . lol.
i very worry because he is no license but still drive to almost whole kuantan with me.
but vry fun la. xDD. today whole day at shop . then come back house again.

school reopen lorr, prepare everything .
and go back to school life ^^
and enjoy with my gang ~

good night all ^^

Merdeka ~~

August 27, 2009

黑裙子 -张芸京 nice song ^^

天邊的那朵雲 要去那裡流浪
如果有答案 要記得跟我講
誰的愛 放在假日的市場
討價還價 拍賣著他的重量
就要下雨 你的自尊要逃向何方
是男是女 隨便你要怎麼想
只為他 穿過一次的黑裙子 深深鎖在記憶的牆
寫好的遺言 也要用力唱 祭拜我們為了愛的瘋狂

只為他 穿過一次的黑裙子 還在風中盪
黑指甲 短頭髮 有些話不用講
為愛 我就是這樣
就要下雨 你的自尊要逃向何方
是男是女 隨便你要怎麼想
只為他 穿過一次的黑裙子 深深鎖在記憶的牆
寫好的遺言 也要用力唱 祭拜我們為了愛的瘋狂
只為他 穿過一次的黑裙子 還在風中盪
黑指甲 短頭髮 有些話不用講
只為他 穿過一次的黑裙子 還在風中盪
黑指甲 短頭髮 有些話不用講
為愛 我就是這樣

August 25, 2009

second day

today is the second day i having my fever~
i hope to recover soon =(
so suffer all the time now!
if today havent recover,i sked i'll become the suspect of h1n1~

August 24, 2009


5am wake up because of too cold..
then feel that i getting high feverT.T
now sufferingToT
later go hospital have a check=.=

August 23, 2009


today 12pm only i wake up from d bed.
go shop at 1pm then 3pm walk to mega.
reach there then accompany meijun take her lunch.
and finally ivan reach here too with ck.
hmm. we stay at mcd about 2hours there=x
lol. mega so less people nowadays maybe because of the infuenza.
after eating then walk walk.
5 pm sumthing ck fetch me and ivan go tc.
we eat ice-cream and chitchat there.
then i back home at 6.40pm sumthing@@
so tired now>.< hmm.

start today,i need "gai hau" from the food.
like curry, fried, and others . because my pimples on my face
getting worseT.T hmm. need take good care le ^^

and tommorow futsal with friend!
and go waterpark with dear family!



long time dint hang out with cynye. finally today we go ecm together!
after reach there, go black canyon eat and online therE!
3hours sumthing we stay there. untill the time wendy reach!
er. took many picture there with the two cute girls! lolz
dont say we "zi lian" althought we are@@
anyway, i sure know got some will say that we 1st time go ecm or wad, but .
its really happy with the two who love take pictrue !! wakakka.

I love this picture so muchsss=)wakakaka.. thats me =P

They look childish here! wakakaka
You guys noe how i take this picture?xD

sot sot :xthey saw what so funny?xD
me and cynye inside the....
two sor por.xD
leng nuii
our laptop ...
me and wendy
cynye want eat me =(lol.
she is acting cute lar=P

August 21, 2009

Confide my

sometime i feel that we are couple or just normal friendship?
actually i not really know about thats>.<
since she stop schooling, looks like so busy in kemaman..
sms untill half then dint reply me..
ask why,just anwser me that the time dint holding her phone=.=
today she told me that she felf strange when be with me :(
i ask why she anwser duno.. hmm.. i think i feel that also~
should we change d other relation? or just keep it normal ? like now?
i don't like =( haihz~ i like you care me more but not like now ler~
can you do that? hmm~ you not stay kuantan make me very bored and felt lonely!
and can i say im very miss you??? hmm.. sometime think when we are friend, your text when
msg to me more than now>.<>
haihz~ thats all my "feeling" today~



my holiday>.<


now is the time 00.50. just ate medicine~hmm~ today my aunt's birthday~! happy birthday ya! today wake up at 11am. the sean call me 8am to play dota@@ lol~ siao arh him, so early! last night i untill 3am only go sleep~ he so early call me wake up, luckily , im still dreaming! wakak~ er! this holiday really bored! bored without friends, bored without any activities! haihz~ N plus i lazy to study at home although there have plenty of time to me=( so i think now should wait untill saturday then only out with cynye them! and hope "you" will go also =) next monday got futsal , play a friendly match with 5s1 student>.<

why sometimes i feel that im uselesS?? hmm.. and why my heart change "it" often??>.<
hope this wont happen again on me ler~er..nevermind! lolz. i just do my own:) i hope i can get what im thinking now and success it in da future! . haha~ and the most i hope all my friends and i can fully enjoy and happy always with their holidayS! muackz !!

August 20, 2009

♥ 個 人 題 - 10 題 ♥
01 你叫什么 : Lum kar chun
02你的綽號 :kayc
03你的血型 :duno
04 你的星座 :chu nv
05 你是男還是女 :male
06 你幾歲 :16 old
07 你住哪裡 :kuantan garden
08 你現在的學校 :smk tanah putih
09 你有沒有手機 :got
10 承上,那是多少 :duwan

♥ 朋友 題 - 10 題 ♥
11 你最要好的朋友(限1個):all also
12 你最討厭的人(限1個):nope

♥ 情 題 - 10 題 ♥
13 你有沒有喜欢的人:got _
14 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:duno>.<
15 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:forget ...
16 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友:er. seriously 4
17 現在有另一半吗:got
18 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你会怎样:imposible
19 你初恋情人突然跟你告白你会接受吗 :not
20 你为什么会喜欢你現在喜欢的人:because ... i love her
21 你和另一半牵手过吗:got ...
22 你和另一半抱或亲过吗:yeah
23 你跟异性牵手过吗:got, when playing or make a circle
24 是谁,你们什么关系:friend lar bodoh
25 现在有人在追你吗:got gua, no gua~ duno>.<

♥ 混 合 題 - 10 題 ♥
22 如果有天,好朋友离你而去,你会怎样 :saddD
23 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你会 : will angry ....! this is shit thing ... but will get hurt
24如果有天,好朋友对你喜新厌旧,dun border, do it myself
25 如果你很受不了你的父母,你会离家出走吗:wont!!
26 你上课认真吗 :还好
28 你开电脑都在干嘛 :blogging, gaming, chating

29 你的即时通有多少个同性:?
30 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:?

♥兇 手 題 - 10题 ♥
31 传给你这份问卷的人是谁: yaya
32 这个人对你好不好:okok
3 这个人是你的谁:fren
34 你有喜欢过/这个人吗:duno~ no gua~XD
35 你们认识多久了:forget
36 这个人是怎样的人:ok a
38 这个人跟你有沒有在一起:less ....
39 万一你喜欢这个人,你会怎么样:they all is gal ... impossible ...

♥ 聊 想 題 - 10 題♥
40 说到正妹你会想到谁:some one
41 说到帅哥你会想到谁: someone
42 說到憨你会想到谁:hmm ..?
43 说到白痴你会想到谁: lol ... myself lo ...
44说到暗恋~你会想到谁: L.......
45 說到出去玩你会想到谁: My fren
46说到聪明你会想到谁: Me. wkakaka
47 说到傻瓜你会想到谁: Sha zhu lor
48 说到笑点滴你会想到谁:my gang
49 说到愛笑你会想到谁: lol~me

◆ 学 校 題 - 題 ◆
50 你的班导是谁:miss lim
51 你的座位是第几排第几个:
52 你最喜欢的老師是谁:miss lim ya ....
53 你的英文好吗 :still ok
54 你的体育好吗:yeah!! i love sports thats why i feel good
55 你的数学好么:ok lo
56 你喜不喜欢你的校长:ok
57 你的学校好看吗:this school ... not nice lo
58 你的班級是:4s2 . i love this class
59 你的班級在几楼:third floor

the end _ the end

填后感:lol ... ok lol ... cn try it



1.Wai loon



4.Li wen


August 19, 2009



很厉害读书的好学生~但是,我们就爱玩~当然也是看时候咯~当考试来领,还是会温习的~哈哈~讲真的,开学时选了这班刚开始很不惯,因为要拿的科目很多很难,但是读久了后,我还是那么爱我们这班~也从来没后悔过..就算给我选多一次,我也会选回这班..因为和这班朋友一起读书,真的很过瘾~哈哈~我们班除了欢乐,还是欢乐~有很多很爱说废话,很爱讲笑话的学生都在我们这班~所以呢,4s1的朋友们很多都羡慕我们~当没老师进来,我们不是拿书出来温习,而是拿椅子到后面围圆圈然后就开始游戏~ 这个游戏虽然不是什么超好玩的游戏,但是就是能彼此联络下感情~这个游戏也不是在一gang人玩罢了,而是全班一起都喜欢玩的~就连不会华语的brenda也爱看我们玩哦~呵呵~除了这些,我们也玩“tempo King" 这些游戏,还有玩过比手画脚啊! 是不是很颠啊?哈哈~这般的老师虽然不是全部我都喜欢,但我没有讨厌他们~刚开学懂razak教我们班,真的全部人都怕到不懂怎样形容..他第一天进班就下马威,说到我们一定要准从他,否者后果
不堪设想~等我说一些例子:功课不能不交,不然礼堂罚站...书不能不包,不然就去垃圾桶拾回..上课不能迟到,不然站在门口等到敲钟... 还有很多...懒惰写~就是这些弄到我们整班人对他反感~但是现在我们全班都很喜欢他~他是个很喜欢提例子来模仿的老师,还很喜欢"zat"我们班的某些学生~有时他的模仿弄到我们全班哭笑不得~所以说,我们这班不爱4s2就假了·呵呵~我们这班很像一家人的,当天有谁生日,就差不多每节都唱生日歌给他听~下次我放班级照下来哦!!懒惰

写了~俗语说"班"不可貌相,海水不能斗量·.. =)

August 18, 2009


▄︻┻┳═一………………¤ H1N1

hmm, h1n1 getting worse dy:(
take care my fwen
take care my family

yesterday promise le someone sumthing~
i'll do it! lol~ as i promised you :]

today start my holiday.
just 1st day, felt fucking bored lar!
Kenot play with my buddy~
Kenot Demon and Angel~
anything la, happy holiday my fwen~

and today my "sam suk" birthday~

hmm, lastly...i love "you"~



when i was at school today, felt very tired, sadness, and also feeling not well.. haihz~ cause by many thing! i duno to talk to much bout that in my blog! hmm` today afternoon mom take me to see doctor, because fluuuu.. headache! and some fever! wtf, the doctor just say ntg lar, just normal and give medicine@@. he don't sked i h1n1?? wtf~ so "kau kei"~ haihz~ lolz~ anyway, afterthat i receive my brother msg that my school will be close start tmr, lol. 1stly still thought it fake news, but its true after they comfirmed it:D two weeks holidays for me~ nothing special for today lar` now helping my uncle solving his laptop: ( lazyyy~ good nite



August 16, 2009


做么我会那么不爽当收不到你的信息?我也不懂~哎~ 我多想了??自己搞不懂叻~所以说呢,顺其自然很好的~我不想那么烦~ 做好自己啊!!


明天去学校,可以看到玲,不过我真的不舍得咯~他在学校每天下课陪我,现在突然说不读~说真的,我会很不习惯的~不习惯学校少了你,不习惯我去到你班那边不能叫你,不习惯见你的机会变少了~什么都很不习惯~ 说到这里,我说我眼泪快掉下来你信吗?哎· 希望你能学好你的美容咯~还有啊~没读书了要乖点啊! 不要弄我担心啊~我会想念你的!~




Weird Post

beware to Influenza H1N1 ,My friends and family .
malaysia Death's case of influenza A is ranking no.9 in d world~
xD .


August 15, 2009


Dr.Mist , i bought it dy! lol~ to treat my Pimples on my face =x . lol . Mom's chinese worker in her shop intruduce wan~ hmm~ today 1st day try it, hope it usefull on my face! ^^ this afternoon Mandy,17 years old friend from semambu.. she suddenly call me to mega accompany her, because today her burfday!! Happy Burfdae! hmm~ i can't attend because my MOm not allowed:( haihz~ nevermind lar! at night, call me to her shop "nam Heng" celebrate with her =X . lol~ I duno her friend so much also>< shy -,- hmm .. tomorow only continue. today my blog when i press publish post, duno what fucking Html Error jump out, make my posting Like shittt!! o0o Blogspot~

Welcome Aquilani!!

days i dint Update My Blog.. because lazy@.@.. yesterday friday i go back to study.. i din't
regret because thats was so fun in my class.. lolz~ all the teacher absent. But not to all lar, like bio teacher when she was come inside our class, saw us like meeting at behind there. then let us continue it. Actually we are playing the game demon & angel .. so lame right our class?? But anyway, all my classmates like this game very much. Although MaN Yin very diam and Look like Nerd in our class, but yesterday she joined us too ^^we look Like nothing can play except this game =='' but anyway. i like this game :D hehex~But the weather is terrible@@. whole my vody sweating while waiting car at chung ching after sch ..>.< '' Drink More water my friends :) yesterday night , my dear call me out with her.. wei jia come fetch me @@ not very close friend.. lol~ he is XR'bf now ^^ hmm~ we just go for a drive in Tc .. wtf.. so sienz~ 10.30 out she said 11 wana back home. after that weijia also get a shock because same to him. lol~ out 10.30 to fetch them, they want 11 back home. so weird. just chit chat in d car with her. wei jia fetch them back LL house at sungai sor( duno whether goot spell wrong bor) .. so far from the town... when back home, i sit infront with him , woah~ he drive so fastttt :S make me worry because raining very heavy at the time. LOL .. anyway, make a new friend today.. hmm~ and hor, i hope "you"'ll try your best in the tournament ..xDD ~ thats all :P

August 12, 2009

day 2

self quarantine for second day.. i still flu_ing~ so, i stay at house for whole day.. fuckin* bored~nothing can do also~ want sms someone but havent reload=( <<< people i admire alot..xD .I just face my laptop whole day in my room. blogging and gaming~ miss my classmate alot =[ like sheng jian lizzie and others.. and also my buddy~ hmm~ tomorow can see them ady :D because tmr we going futsal~ self quarantine can go futsal?xD hmm~ my mama don't let me go place with crowded people=='' cause of H1N1.. lolz`` now just back from eating , so full~ H1N1 really getting serious in da world also Kuantan~ Take care my friends ~ and also my beloved family.xD bye~!

不屑 - 小鬼

不屑~ 超爱这首歌~!!!^^






August 11, 2009

这几天都在烦恼.. 她突然和我说要停学了~难道你忘记了答应我什么吗?你做不到吗?算了~我也劝了你那么多次~你还是坚持..我也不管了~你自己选的路就自己走啊~我们的恋情,我也没信心了~不是因为你的什么~而是我对自己没信心...我好像在给自己借口要和你分开~但是说真的,我很不舍的~毕竟相处了三个多月~所以到最后我都还没抉择~直到你和我说你停学了那一刻· 我就有了决定~ 但是~ 目前还是考虑着~ 哎... 伦说的对咯,我不适合拍拖...当我在拍拖就很容易XX...也时常烦恼~算了~如果可以,我很希望我们可以在一起久久~


August 9, 2009

pc fair

actually i really can't know that what my brain, my heart thinking~why i'll miss you ? and why i'll miss you?=x hmm~ anyway i really hope that we will be longer.. as i can do it:D but since today,i can't make sure "this"~ aiks... nvm lur~ 顺其自然~

good night

August 8, 2009





早上我和朋友约了踢futsal得~不过扫兴,因为要改去下午~ 早上就和hf哥哥他们打羽毛球~就这样过了早上~下午就和朋友踢futsal~

这两天的晚上都是在殡仪馆和亲戚朋友度过~就酱~拜五和他们送我大伯爷最后一程~ 三天就酱过完了~拜一要读书了~想念老婆>.< 呵呵~ 今天我早上又要对着电脑过了~拜拜~

August 3, 2009


Today at school like normal~but the assembly today use long time~ because of the award to all the winner of the competition that participated by all the student~hmm~ i get two champion's prizes today~lol~ single and double sch's tournament champion~ 2 t-shirts and 2 socks ! hmm~ afterthat nothing happen at school!

at night dint go tuition~ because of 'lazy' and also my daddy back from KL~ my uncle call to eat at outside!:D the time when i be with my family very happy xD~ and my little cousin - kar wai's birthday~ happy birthday~ thats all for today`


August 1, 2009

Treasure Hunt!


today wake up at 7am and waiting Loon come to fetch me ~we go school for the " treasure Hunt" that organise by english society SMKTP~Yeah~ Thats was a great time while we playing the game~ and Clear the mission follow by Stage ~Once u success the mission will be give a pass to each of the team~hmm~ collect 8 pass to get the Hunt! LOL~ i think so:D Err~ this is the 1st time i participate the game like this~ its great and Nice experience~ hahax` because can get in touch with friends when we are playing the game~ Nothing special~ very tired today because we run here and run there in school when we want to go on the next stage or mission~ we are too inpatient~ er i mean MY team~xD ~ Finally~ we dint get any prize ~ But nevermind lar~ the most importants is I VERY ENJOY THE GAME!

actually tomorrow will go Gambang water park with dear and her friends~but~ i don't want ler~i think i dint go maybe she'll more enjoy at there with her friendS! hmm~ anything~ i still love you~ please dont think to stop schooling k? muackz~ xxDD

RAzak karangan havent finish yet~ hmm~ need borrow others to copy~ sienz lar~ nothing for today~ anything happen i only post it later~ Bye!