August 12, 2009

day 2

self quarantine for second day.. i still flu_ing~ so, i stay at house for whole day.. fuckin* bored~nothing can do also~ want sms someone but havent reload=( <<< people i admire alot..xD .I just face my laptop whole day in my room. blogging and gaming~ miss my classmate alot =[ like sheng jian lizzie and others.. and also my buddy~ hmm~ tomorow can see them ady :D because tmr we going futsal~ self quarantine can go futsal?xD hmm~ my mama don't let me go place with crowded people=='' cause of H1N1.. lolz`` now just back from eating , so full~ H1N1 really getting serious in da world also Kuantan~ Take care my friends ~ and also my beloved family.xD bye~!